Amber East Hotel Guangzhou


Language:English | 简体中文
Address:293 Middle of Guangzhou Avenue (Guangzhou Dadao Zhong) Guangzhou China
Booking online
Check-in and Check-out
Check-in from 15:00 ;Check-out before 12:00
Children and Extra Beds
Children are welcome at this hotel.
Children aged under 18 years old must be accompanied by a legal guardian.
Child and extra bed policies vary by room, each room rate is for a specific number of guests. Additional fees may be charged for accompanying children and additional guests. For details, please confirm with the hotel.

Breakfast Type :Western, Chinese

Menu :Buffet

Business Hours :06:30-10:00 [Mon - Fri];06:30-10:30 [Sat - Sun]

Parking is available (free).
No pets allowed.